Monday, October 24, 2016

What About Virtual Support Groups?

Would Joining One Help Me?

Joining a virtual support group when you or your loved one is suffering from a chronic disease can help you heal and to realize you are not alone in what you are experiencing. As a caregiver, it can help you know where you can find help. Virtual support groups are great for people who are unable to physically go to a support group or who does not want to go to one. Virtual support groups have been shown to increase quality of life, improve decision making and increase survival times.

There are many great virtual support groups available. On the American Heart Association website, you can find an entire link dedicated to supporting those who suffer from, or care for those with cardiovascular disease. Following this link, Support Network, will connect you to support groups for heart attacks, strokes, pediatric strokes, congenital heart defects, chronic heart conditions, rehab and recovery and support for caregivers. It is filled with resources and gives you the ability to talk to others who are experiencing something similar to you.

The American Cancer Association also has a link where you can connect with those currently fighting cancer or cancer survivors. The name of the link is, Cancer Survivors Network. By following this link, you can participate in chat rooms, make friends, learn more about cancer and find people to help you in finding wigs, getting rides to treatments, etc. There is also a place where caregivers can connect with other caregivers. 

There are also virtual support groups for diabetes Diabetes Support Community, diseases of the lungs American Lung Association and more. To make sure that these support groups are secure and confidential, only access them through sites you can trust. To determine which sites are trustworthy, see the previous post, "Where Can I find Health Information I Trust".

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